shel - no problem. Lots of other good books @ good quote from that book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects" that examines how the adoption of modern diets negatively affected Gaelic peoples living in the Scottish Outer Hebrides - QUOTE: "A dietary program competent to build stalwart men and women and rugged boys and girls is provided the residents of these barren Islands, with their wind and storm-swept coasts, by a diet of oats used as oatcake and oatmeal porridge; together with fish products, including some fish organs and eggs. A seriously degenerated stock followed the displacement of this diet with a typical modern diet consisting of white bread, sugar, jams, syrup, chocolate, coffee, some fish without livers, canned vegetables, and eggs." - seems like the most important grain for many Northern European peoples has long been OATS (for physical food) and BARLEY (for beer), and not WHEAT. There is a major difference between those grains. After corn/maize, oats have the highest lipid content of any other grain/cereal. So oats are definitely preferable to wheat, and they can be grown in far Northern Europe (even Iceland!).